equipment rehabilitation

美 [ɪˈkwɪpmənt ˌrihəˌbɪlɪˈteʃən]英 [ɪˈkwɪpmənt ˌri:əˌbɪlɪ'teɪʃn]
  • 网络设备修复;设备更新改造
equipment rehabilitationequipment rehabilitation
  1. Methods : Twenty-two cases ( 102 fingers ) receiving replantation of severed fingers were subjected to motor function training by multiple equipment and rehabilitation treatment .


  2. Teachers and students there are using new equipment to do rehabilitation exercises .


  3. Hand trauma patients need early care and careful rehabilitation after operation . In addition , hand recovery training of patients with hemiplegia and other disease due to brain damage , often need the help of equipment for hand rehabilitation training .


  4. Against the specific circumstances of the central grid of Shengli Oilfield , the transmission and distribution lines , substations , distribution network equipment made specific rehabilitation programs . Consider the step-up transformation of the actual technical engineering design problems , choose to solve the problem of technical measures .


  5. As a rehabilitative equipment , the rehabilitation robot has been widely researched in the world . Based on the theory of rehabilitation medicine , the rehabilitative robots can assist patient to achieve repeatedly the rehabilitation training tasks in order to help them for the restoration of motor function .


  6. As an important rehabilitation medical equipment , the upper-limb rehabilitation robot can make significant roles to improve the situation of disabilities and promote the development of disability industry .
